Hammonton - Atlantic County Economic Alliance-威尼斯人官网


The Blueberry Capital of the World!

The Town of Hammonton incorporated in 1866, 是由汉密尔顿镇和穆里卡镇的部分地区创建的. 哈蒙顿是以约翰·哈蒙德·科芬的名字命名的,他是第一批欧洲定居者之一.

哈蒙顿被称为世界蓝莓之都. 新泽西州几乎所有的蓝莓都来自哈蒙顿及其周边的农场.

哈蒙顿也以充满活力的商业区和商店而闻名, restaurants, taverns, art galleries, a theater, and stately turn-of-the-century homes. 《费城每日威尼斯人官网》称哈蒙顿的中央商务区为:“一个每时每刻都在变得时髦的市中心。.”

哈蒙顿镇位于费城和度假小镇大西洋城之间, 沿着宾夕法尼亚铁路的旧路线,现在被新泽西运输公司的大西洋城线使用. 该镇几乎正好位于费城和大西洋城之间.

Hammonton borders Folsom to the southwest, and Hamilton and Mullica townships to the southeast; Shamong Township and Washington Township in the northeast; and Waterford Township and Winslow Township to the northwest.

When Europeans arrived, 哈蒙顿地区住着勒纳佩部落, and as European settlement continued, the Lenape in the area were displaced. 1812年,科芬一家来到这里,建造了一座住宅和锯木厂. 其他定居者建造了工厂,包括一家玻璃厂. 农业将补充工业,主要是蓝莓和草莓种植.

卡姆登和大西洋铁路于1854年开始服务, 哈蒙顿火车站建于1858年, 到19世纪晚期,商业区将以市中心为中心, near the railroad tracks. 铁路沿线将兴建工厂,包括一家鞋厂. 许多这样的老建筑仍然矗立在市中心.

Hammonton Facts

哈蒙顿被称为“世界蓝莓之都”. 天气和土壤为蓝莓的生长创造了最佳条件. 除了是世界上最大的蓝莓生产国之一, there are many other orchards, 哈蒙顿的农场和农场市场出售水果, vegetables, plants, and flowers. The local farms also produce grapes, and Hammonton has three active wineries; DiMatteo Vineyards, Plagido’s Winery, and Tomasello Winery.

哈蒙顿也以种植运动草坪而闻名. 哈蒙顿的绿草生长在费城的林肯球场, Boston’s Fenway Park, 绿湾的朗博球场和许多其他的足球和棒球场.

市中心是2013年伟大美国主街奖的决赛选手之一, in recognition for revitalization efforts, business development, and historic preservation.

For more information, click here.

哈蒙顿火车站位于市中心,交通便利. 该站与新泽西运输公司的火车和公共汽车相连, and the PATCO Speedline in Lindenwold, Philadelphia, and Amtrak’s 30th Street Station. 新泽西运输公司也连接大西洋城国际机场, the FAA Technical Center, and Stockton University.

For those looking to live in Hammonton, 市中心有一些庄严的老房子, 新开发的单户住宅和联排别墅, as well as condominiums and apartments.

哈蒙顿市中心有几处名胜古迹, 其中包括许多建于19世纪末和19世纪初的原始房屋, 以及其他历史建筑和威尼斯人网赌. 哈蒙顿历史保护委员会带领导游徒步旅行, and a self-guided tour can be accessed here.

诺伊斯博物馆画廊位于市中心的艺术区. 诺伊斯博物馆展出了众多艺术家的作品. 哈蒙顿艺术中心也在市中心,提供工作坊和讲座. 艺术中心还赞助本地和地区艺术家的展览.

哈蒙顿总是有事情发生. 哈蒙顿全年举办几个节日. The most well-known, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Festival, has been held every year since 1875, 使其成为美国持续时间最长的节日. 这个节日也被称为意大利节, 而哈蒙顿的大批意大利裔美国人也在庆祝他们的传统. Other festivals include the Red, White and Blueberry festival held in June, the Hammonton Wine Festival, Hammonton Fall Beer Festival, Teen Arts Festival, Hammonton Food Truck Festival, Hammonton Green Day Festival, and Cruisin’ Main Street.

For recreation, there’s Hammonton Lake Park. 有两条铺砌的小径和一条与史密斯保护区相邻的自然小径. 哈蒙顿湖也是钓鱼、划独木舟或皮划艇的好去处. And there is also a dog park nearby.

Click here for more information.

Commercial and Residential Information


哈蒙顿最大的雇主是医疗保健和农业行业. Major healthcare companies are Innova Health, Hammonton Center for Rehabilitation, AtlantiCare, and Integrity Medical Devices. 大型农业雇主是Frank Donio, Inc .. and Atlantic Blueberry Patriot Manufacturing.

有关贵公司在哈蒙顿的位置信息, contact: Town of Hammonton, 100 Central Avenue, Hammonton, NJ, 08037, phone: 609-567-4300

For information on the downtown district, contact: Mica McCullough, Executive Director, MainStreet Hammonton, phone: 609-567-9014, email: [email protected].


Residential Abatement Program

住宅物业业主可获税务减免. 联系税务局了解哪些房产符合条件:玛丽·琼·怀亚特, Tax Assessor Phone: 609-567-4300 Ext. 115


对于大西洋县企业| ACIA商业贷款可以与小企业管理贷款相结合,以获得最大的影响

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对新泽西企业|各种贷款和激励| Click here for details

Primary Contact

Municipality Data

通过下面的链接查找有关该城市人口统计的详细信息, including total population, median income, number of households and more.

Major Roads and Highways:


Business Financing Availability

Workforce Training Contact:


Samuel Wear, General Service Representative
Email: [email protected]
Pleasantville office phone: 609-645-6712

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